"RANDOM TRIVIA" (You never know when you might need it)

- "Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia" The fear of long words -



Caffeine Hit on a Major Scale

A&D Australasia?s Weighing Division have solved a problem for local boutique coffee blender and roaster Veneziano Coffee, with a customised, portable weigh hopper that reduced OH&S risks and significantly improved their blending process. Veneziano are renowned for their premium coffee so they expected a premium solution.

Click here to read more

Caffeine Hit on a Major Scale


Engineering Innovation for Fat Cows

Engineering Innovation for Fat Cows

A&D TechEng recently engineered a solution to help automate dairy farms across the Murray via a new revolutionary rotary dairy system.  Some of the key benefits from this are  ? reducing the number of milking machines ? reducing the amount of down time in-between milking ? reducing by over half the amount of time spent milking ? considerable cost savings ? flexability to adjust milking parameters ? easily able to record individual cow data and interface it into a herd management system, just to name a few.

Click here to read the full write-up in "Murray Now"


Waste Reduction in Digital Printing

Waste Reduction in Digital Printing

Webstar are one of Australia's leaders in the print media space and have forged a reputation for unrivalled flexibility, quality and reliability. They print more than 150 magazine titles, catalogues and corporate publications each month. Always seeking productivity improvement opportunities, A&D Australasia were called upon to assist Webstar in devising and implementing an effective and reliable method to reduce overprint in some titles, i.e. make sure print runs were consistently closer to targets thus reducing waste in materials, energy and manual effort.

Click here to read more


Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) Exhibition

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) Exhibition

The ANF exhibition was fantastic with over 1200 delegates over the two days (23 & 24 June), held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre.

Local A&D Platinum Partner AIS Healthcare exhibited premium and reliable healthcare products and equipment such as the  A&D Wheelchair Scale, the A&D Bariatric Chair and the increasingly sought after A&D HVL-CS Chair Scale which is widely used in many hospitals and health clinics across Australia.  These proudly Australian-made products allow for daily monitoring of patients? weights whilst reducing injury to nursing staff and carers.

Click here to find out more about A&D Australasia's HVL-CS Chair Scale



Cheerio from the team at A&D Australasia

[email protected]